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Centerville Chapel
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Home Daily Bible Reading
January 20- January 26
Mon The Kingdoms of This World
(Daniel 2:31-45)
Tue The Kingdom of God's Son
(Colossians 1:11-20)
Wed Christ, the Hope of Glory
(Colossians 1:21-29)
Thurs The Lord Reigns Over the Earth
(Zechariah 14:8-11, 16-21)
Fri An Unshakeable Kingdom
(Hebrews 12:18-29)
Sat Seek First God's Kingdom
(Matthew 6:25-34)
Sun Bless God's Name Forever
(Psalm 145:1-10, 17-21)
Paul was chosen by God to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to all who were willing to receive it. His messages to the believers guided them in the truth about Jesus and how to live a righteous life.
We have been blessed to have all of his truth available to us through the Bible. But we need to be more than good readers or listeners. We are encouraged to keep practicing the things that we have learned through God's Word. When we put the truth into action, we are rewarded with the knowledge of the presence of God near to us.
"Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you."
-- Philippians 4:9 --
Kingdom ~ Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin
My heart has always longed for something more,
I searched the stars to knock on heaven's door...
Thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory,
Forever and ever, He finished my story
We're singing freedom, our testimony,
We'll be singing forever, Amen.
If you ever wonder, what Heaven looks like,
It's looking like me and you.
If you ever question, what Heaven sounds like,
Just let it fill the room.
Below are our notices and opportunities to serve.
Happy Blessed Birthday to all those born in the month
as well as those celebrating anniversaries and
other milestones in the month of January
Jan 20 Youth Bible Study
Monday Evening
Youth Bible Study 630pm
Praise Dance Rehearsal 7p
Jan 22 Wednesday Night Bible Study
Wednesday Evening at 7pm
Dial-In: 1(307) 715 -8592
Access Code: 827-1056-007
Jan 24 Movie Night The Forge
Friday Night 7pm
Jan 25 Sunday School/ Morning Worship
Sunday School at 10am
Morning Worship at 11am
Dial-In: 1(307) 715-8592
Access Code: 827-1056-007
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